2024 Exhibition Loop

Welcome to the home page for the 2024 Summer Exhibition Series. This series of games was created to help teams at U17 schedule some exhibition games during the season (vs a traditional league loop). Each team was asked to provide availability in terms of home nights, and when and how far they would be willing to travel for away games.
Participating teams include:
Waterloo Ghosts Gold | UTM Impact | Guelph Gators Red |
Wyoming Wranglers | Lucan Ilderon Athletics | UTM Ignite |
Brampton Blazers 08 | Brampton Blazers (D) | Miss SW Hurricanes 07 |
Barrie Storm 2K7 | D1 Nationals | Huron Perth Nationals |
If additional teams do reach out after this schedule is released, we will try and include them where possible... however each addition will need approval from the above mentioned teams.
Contact information for coaches/managers is located here: LINK TO CONTACTS
Below is the schedule for all teams. Yellow indicates a home game, Blue indicates an away game. The dates are on the far left of the sheet.
- Schedule changes, or adjustments can be communicated to utmfastpitch@gmail.com and we will do our best to keep the shared document up to date.
- We will not post results of the completed games, as this is 100% exhibition play and should be used as an opportunity to make all teams participating better
- Cancellations once the game has been agreed to, should be made 72 hours in advance
- If there are weather issues, both team managers should communicate and make an informed decision to avoid unwarranted travel time
Additional Information:
- Game times are located in the Link to Contacts, Column L
- All teams are asked to confirm whether or not the proposed match-up will work for both teams
- All teams have the right to decline a proposed scheduled game
- Teams should agree on the following:
- Park Location
- Game Format (closed/open innings, mercy rules, time limit, roster substitutions etc.
- Costs for the Game (umpires) *** Most centers once a game has been agreed to, umpire costs are fixed and can't be cancelled
- How costs are to be paid (ideally via e-transfer to the hosting team in advance)
- Home team is expected to provide the game balls for the scheduled game
- Home team is required to book umpires, and insure that the diamond has been properly booked
Any issues, please reach out to utmfastpitch@gmail.com and we will try and mediate a solution.